The Best Gynaecologist On Uterine Prolapse Healing

The Best Gynaecologist On Uterine Prolapse Healing


What causes the uterus to prolapse is when the muscles and ligaments in the pelvis become weak. These tissues keep the womb, commonly known as the uterus, in place. Without access to this support, the organ slips from its actual location.

There’s nothing to overlook or hide. Get expert care for better management. Typically, the concern is associated with a later age involving a record for one or two vaginal deliveries. The postmenstrual period is often a contributing factor. Get compact guidance from the best gynaecologist in Siliguri.


It’s Best To Talk To A Doctor

Such a condition tends to affect the quality of life. The condition ranges from mild to moderate to complete prolapse. Treatment goals set by the doctors help recover the discomforts. Early health assessment is always the best.

Identifying the signs

Depending on the extremity of the uterine prolapse, you get signs. Listed in the directory below are symptoms:

  • A feeling of pressure or heaviness in your pelvis
  • Experiencing discomfort/pain during intercourse
  • Pain in the lower back or pelvic region, abdomen
  • Ongoing bladder infections
  • Sensing a tissue coming out of the vagina (mild or severe)
  • Issues with bowel movement
  • Urinary retention
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Too much vaginal discharge
  • Frequent urination
  • Constipation

However, mild prolapse may not result in significant signs. Make sure you consult a doctor so as to keep your discomforts a bay.

What leads to uterine prolapse?

Many a factor plays a role here, including:

  • Delivery of a large baby
  • More than one vaginal delivery
  • Pregnancy
  • Older age causes a decline in uterus supportive muscles
  •  Chronic constipation, cough, or bronchitis
  • Menopause brings about a reduced level of estrogen
  • Obesity/excessive body weight
  • Received pelvic surgery
  • Family history of uterine prolapse


Healing Is Possible

Ways to prevent the chance

Yes, you can safeguard yourself against this situation. The following are some ways you can practise in order to keep off your risks:

  • Do kegel exercise guided by a professional. Be sure to maintain the position because wrong strokes may bring no good outcomes.
  • Pay attention to your fiber intake on a regular basis. Fiber-enriched foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains keep your weight in moderation, plus, reduce constipation.
  • Excessive heavy lifting may not serve your health. In addition, while performing such strenuous workouts, focus on proper strokes so as to prevent complications ahead.
  • Weight management is key to good health indeed. With an ideal diet plan and day-to-day workouts, you can improve your body weight. Comparing your body weight to others doesn’t serve your well-being.
  • Embrace a strategic weight gain or weight loss routine. So that, it won’t affect your health. You need to understand that both processes take time and are not overnight fruits.
  • Get proper treatments for coughing or constipation. A modified lifestyle choice along with medical care aid in ideal healing.

Treatments or medical procedures to relieve uterine prolapse include surgical and non-surgical ways. Non-surgical techniques mentioned above help if the condition is not severe. Another non-surgical way involves a vaginal pessary (a plastic, donut-structured device inserted into the vagina. Regular cleaning of the device is of importance. You might consider speaking with the leading gynaecologist and IVF specialist in Siliguri.

Surgical techniques recommended by your specialist can be hysterectomy or prolapse repair without removal of the uterus. Hysterectomy is a clinical procedure that removes the entire uterus or parts of it. Reach out to your health care provider for optimal recovery.

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